Forums - MvC2 Combos Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2 Combos ( Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:13:2001 07:04 AM: MvC2 Combos Sup! Here is some combos I have got for MvC2. If you have any you want to add feel free to post them. I would like to know some of yours as well. These are MegaMan combos. 5-hit: LP, LK, Down+HK, Tornado hold 8-hit: LK, LK, HK, Jump+LP, LK, LP, LK, HP Here are others: LP, LP, HP LP, LK, HK, Jump+LP, LP, LK, HK Leaf shield, HK, Jump+LP, LK, LK, HP Jump+LK, Jump+ HK, LK, LK, HP Mega Uppercut Jump+LK, Lk, HK, Jump+ LP, LK< LP, LK, HP Mega Upercut Jump+LK, Jump+HK, LK, LK, Mega Buster( charged), HK, Hyper MegaMan Posted by rocketpunch on 10:13:2001 01:00 PM: Akuma combos 1. LP,LP,HP,HADOUKIN,Shoryuken super or shin hadoukin super 2. LK,HURRICANE KICK, DOWN LK, HURRRICANE KICK, AIR HADOUKIN SUPER AT THE END OF THE LAST HURRICANE KICK 3. DOWN HP,JUMP LP,LK,LP,HP AIR HADOUKEN SUPER Posted by Combo Master on 10:13:2001 06:14 PM: More Akuma combos! In the corner with Spiral Ground Assist: vs. Juggernaut or thanos or any other big size characters! J.LK, J.FP XX FK Hurricane Kick \/ D.S.LP, S.LP, S.FP+Spiral Ground Assist (6 hit S.FP), QCF,UP/FORWARD+PP For Off the Ground Tenma Gou Zankuu! ON this one when you do the Tenma Gou Zankuu super off the ground with Akuma, he will go upwards as he shoots the fireballs as opposed to going down like he normally does while jumping/super jumping. The good thing is that you can have all the hits connect (or at least most of them) and it looks pretty cool! Try it! Its the same motion for Cable's AHVB, so it shouldn't be too hard! Posted by saotomesword on 10:13:2001 07:59 PM: This is my stuff for Felicia: 1)lp,lp,hp,Rollout attack(use hp) Hyper Sand Splash 2)Do the same thing in the corner but end it with Help Me instead of Hyper Sand Splash. May do another as long as the guy doesn't tech roll 3)lk,lk, sweep, Help Me 4)lp,lp,hp,Hyper Rollout Attack (excellent for chaining into a hyper combo that requires close range like BB Hood's Beautiful Memory or Hayato's lv.3 hyper combo This is about it for now, but there is so much more to find out!!! Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:14:2001 09:14 AM: Heeeey! You guys made some really tight stuff up. I see I gotta think up some more and show them to ya guys! Impressive! Posted by HighDamageOwnly on 10:14:2001 09:35 AM: Collosus - in the corner l.p, l.k, m.p, m.k lk dash xx hcf pp xx df. pp Posted by nightmareivy on 10:14:2001 03:50 PM: all of these combos have already been done since the beginning of the year. Nothing new here. -Erik Posted by Combo Master on 10:14:2001 08:01 PM: Yeah I think so! Which reminds me, have we already seen all the combos there is to be seen in MvC2? We'll never know! Posted by Xiii on 10:14:2001 10:11 PM: ...especially when there are so many different variations.. like for Akuma: s.lp,, hurrican kick (w/hk),, c.hp, sj.lp,, sj.hurricane kick > tenma gou zankuu even though his c.lp,, c.hp, sj.lp,, sj.hurricane kick > tenma gou zankuu combo does more :\ stupid damage reduction Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:15:2001 01:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Xiii ...especially when there are so many different variations.. like for Akuma: s.lp,, hurrican kick (w/hk),, c.hp, sj.lp,, sj.hurricane kick > tenma gou zankuu even though his c.lp,, c.hp, sj.lp,, sj.hurricane kick > tenma gou zankuu combo does more :\ stupid damage reduction Yes!! This is soooooo true. Therefore there is no one out there that knows every MvC2 combo, just as any other game combo. These combos you guys are showing are Mad crazy, tight stuff guys. Posted by nightmareivy on 10:15:2001 04:36 PM: very true you can never stop learning about combos in games as with everything in life, there is no limit in learning. Come on guys keep posting combos. -Erik Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:16:2001 12:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy very true you can never stop learning about combos in games as with everything in life, there is no limit in learning. Come on guys keep posting combos. -Erik No problam I've found 7 characters combos out and they all atleast have 4 I will post them up soon. Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:16:2001 01:48 AM: Mag/Tronne Call out Tronne, Triangle jump (Tronne starts hitting), rh XX Tempest Sent/Cammy (Double Cammy AAA combo) in corner...short, jab XX Rocket Punch XX HSF, Rocket Punch XX HSF, dash, rh + Cammy AAA, sj.jab, sj.jab, sj.short XX Flight Mode, f.air throw, short + Cammy AAA, fierce, Rocket Punch! Mag/Sent/Cammy c.short, c.fierce, sj.rh XX airdash d/f, short, short, land, rh + Cammy AAA XX Hyper Grav, c.fierce, sj.(jab, sj.short, sj.jab, magic series XX airdash u/f, jab, short, jab, f.air throw, Magnetic Tempest XX Hyper Sentinel Force), tag back in Mag.....blah, blah, blah. Note: The Magnetic Tempest doesn't hit. Posted by Combo Master on 10:16:2001 03:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Combo Master Yeah I think so! Which reminds me, have we already seen all the combos there is to be seen in MvC2? We'll never know! Well my intention with my post here was not to disencourage anyone from learning anything new. As all you stated, there's always room for improvement ! What I mean was that in every single MvC2 combo we've watched (whether i'd be James Chen's, Mike Z, Yuta, and some others like Shinobie), people have already done the most craziest and scary combos. But the question was that, because of these vids, have we already seen everything there is to be seen? We'll find out someday eventually. But remember, do not let this post disencourage you to improve yourself! Keep up the good work!!! Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:16:2001 11:30 PM: Here is a few for Captian America! LP, LK, Charging star LP, LK, HP, Hyper stars & stripes Jump+ HP, Lk, LK, HK LP, LK, HK, Hyper Charging star Jump+HK, LK, crouching HP, jump+LP, LK, LK, anti-groud Kick I'll try to get some more Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:16:2001 11:35 PM: Here is a couple for Juggernut His is hard to do because he is slow but hit height makes up. Jump+HP, LP, LP Jump+HP, Crouching HP, jump+LP, LK, Throw, Juggernaut Head Cruch Power- up, Jump+ HP, LP, LP, Jugernut Head Crush like I said he is to big and slow...the big bastard! Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:16:2001 11:41 PM: Here is some for psylocke Jump+LK,LK, LK, Crouching HK Jump+HP, LK, crouching HP, Jump+LP, Lk, LK, HP LP, LP, crouching LK, Psy-Blade Jump HP, LK, Crouching HP, jump+LP, LK, Kocho-gakuna LP, LK, LK, croughing HK, LP, Psy-Blast Jump+HP, LP, LP, LK, HP LP, LK, HK, LP, Psy-blast, Psy-Thrust She is pretty fast Posted by RavenX on 10:16:2001 11:53 PM: Erm....Juggernaut's a badass. His best combo is: (in corner) J.FP, s.FP, sj.LP, SJ.LK, sj.MP, sj.MK, sj.FP, sj.FK, (land) c.LK, s.FP 10 hits, total madness. And Cap....his double jump combo has to be the best, but there is a good corner one with him. (in corner) j.FP,, XX FP Shield Slash XX Hyper Charging Star, RK Chaging Star XX Hyper Charging Star, dash in, c.FP, sj.LP, sj.LP, sj.LP, double jump, dj.LP, dj.LK, dj.MP, dj.MK, dj.FP Posted by Adagio Strings on 10:17:2001 04:36 AM: Spiral..... s.lp,, s.hp, ALMOST ANY KINDA OF ASSIST!!! Posted by nightmareivy on 10:17:2001 05:51 PM: here's one for juggernaut that i came up with one my own and takes a ton of damage. Up fp., sj. lp,,, sj.fp,, you drop to the floor either first or at the same time, then, st. fp -Erik Posted by nightmareivy on 10:17:2001 05:52 PM: oh yeah after the juggernaut you can probably tag in a partner and hit you opponent again then super or whatever else comes to mind. -Erik Posted by nightmareivy on 10:17:2001 05:54 PM: oh shit ravenx i know that combo too, but i didn't get it from you or shoryuken, i pretty much figured that one out on my own in the summer, like around june, i didn't see that you posted the one too, but you messed up you can't knock the other person up with st. fp, you can only do it with c.fp. -Erik Posted by myleftshoe on 10:17:2001 06:58 PM: A Juggernaut combo I always used was j.fp,,s.lp,s.fp,earthquake,Head Crush. Good show & damage combo. Whatd'ya think? Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:17:2001 11:31 PM: These are some tight ass Juggernaut! Keep it up I could use them here is one for Anakaris LP,LK, LK, HK, HP cobra Blow down+LP, Down+LK, LK, HP, HP mummy drop down+LP, down+HP, Jump+LP, LK, LK, HK down+LP, down+LK, LK, down+HK, Pharaoh magic down+HP, Pharaoh Illusion There is some and agian this guy is real slow for me!If you know any help me out. Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:17:2001 11:36 PM: here's some for Zangief Body press, LP, LK Jump+HK, Down+LK, Down+HK down+HP, Areial Russian Slam Jump+hp, LP, LK, glowing Fist Body press, down+LP, LP, LP, LK, HP his is hard do to the fact he is big and slow too Posted by DorFei-McLong on 10:17:2001 11:40 PM: Here"s Sonson LK, LK, LP, LP, HP, down+HK Jump+LK, LK, down+HK, jump+LP, LK, Fuusetuzan Jump+LK, LK, LK, Gansaihekiretsu, Fuusetuzan Jump+LP, LP, down+LP, LP, Down, HP, H Sienbu JUmp+LK, LK, down+LK, P O W she reminds me alot of the DBZ ppl Posted by dc_guru on 10:18:2001 03:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by Xiii ...especially when there are so many different variations.. like for Akuma: s.lp,, hurrican kick (w/hk),, c.hp, sj.lp,, sj.hurricane kick > tenma gou zankuu even though his c.lp,, c.hp, sj.lp,, sj.hurricane kick > tenma gou zankuu combo does more :\ stupid damage reduction actually that's still leaving to much reduction a BETTER akuma combo: j fierce,j roundhouse hurricane kick \/ c fierce /\ sj short, roundhouse hurricane kick xx air fireball super note: don't cancel the hurricane kick right away...allow for 4-5 hits Posted by Calgary-1.5 on 10:18:2001 04:28 AM: :::::Juggernaut::::: down + lk, down lk,qcf + HP, qcf 2P | Thats a small but deadly combo with him & if you have doom assist it works better cause it brings them (OTG) Posted by Combo Master on 10:18:2001 07:03 AM: Ok, here's my new one! I've only done it in training mode once so Im not so sure its great for human vs. human matches (this means that its not 100% guaranteed to work on your human opponents!).Its for Thanos using Magneto's Capture Assist (Hyper Grav)! Thanos with Magneto Capture assist: By Combo Master J.LK, J.LK \/ S.LP, S.LK, S.LP+Magneto capture assist, S.FP (sets up opponent for assist), S.FP XX Power Gem Super, Soul Gem Super XX Magneto Magnetic Tempest, C.LK otg, C.FP /\ SJ.LP,SJ.LK,SJ.LP,SJ.LK XX Hyper Grav XX Mag Tempest,SJ. LP,SJ.LP,SJ.LK > Hyper Grav > Mag Tempest, SJ.LP, SJ.LP, air dash towards opponent, AD.LP,AD.LK,AD.LP,AD.LK > Hyper Grav > Mag Tempest, SJ.FK There it is! As soon as the Thanos' S.FP hits after Magneto's capture assist, Immediately cancel into the Power Gem super, then let the super move screen (meteor background) go away real quick and immediately super Soul Gem Super (let it catch the opponent) > cancel to Magneto's Magnetic Tempest, C.LK otg, C.FP launch and the air combo part. That's about it! Posted by nightmareivy on 10:18:2001 04:18 PM: this combo works on anyone except for sentinel, c.lp, earthquake, wait split second then headcrush (mash buttons for more damage and more hits). I can't really try anymore combos because i don't have my dreamcast at school. -Erik All times are GMT. The time now is 10:13 PM. Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.